What Conditions Are Treated With Massage Therapy and Chiropractic Care?
Combining chiropractic care and massage therapy can accelerate healing and increase the efficacy of both treatment methods. At Allen County Chiropractic Wellness Center, we offer collaborative care and combine multiple therapeutic methods to offer our patients the best chance of healing, recovery, and pain relief. We may recommend combining massage therapy and chiropractic care to address complex conditions or treat multiple symptoms or conditions with one therapeutic program. Here is a look at the different conditions that can benefit from a combination of chiropractic care and massage therapy in Fort Wayne, IN.
Prenatal and Postnatal Care
Combining chiropractic care and massage therapy can offer lasting relief for symptoms of pregnancy and help you prepare for labor and childbirth. These therapies can also offer relief from symptoms that occur after you give birth, such as back pain, neck pain, and fatigue.
Repetitive Stress and Overuse Injuries
The combination of chiropractic care and massage therapy is especially beneficial for musculoskeletal injuries caused by repetitive stress or overuse. These injuries are commonly the result of work, auto, or sports-related accidents and can include symptoms like back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, and nerve pain or conditions like sciatica, tendinitis, whiplash, and carpal tunnel syndrome.
Headaches and Migraines
Headaches and migraines can be the result of spinal imbalances, stress, or spinal injuries. Combining chiropractic care and massage therapy at Allen County Chiropractic Wellness Center allows us to address multiple different symptoms or areas of the body with one therapeutic approach. Massage therapy can ease pain and tension while chiropractic care can address the underlying cause of your headaches or migraines.
Chronic Illnesses and Diseases
Chronic illnesses and diseases often have many different symptoms that affect your life in different ways. Taking a multi-pronged, holistic approach and utilizing a combination of therapies can give you the best chance of relief. We can combine massage therapy and chiropractic care to relieve pain, accelerate healing, improve range of motion, reduce stress, and improve sleep.
Stress and Anxiety
Massage therapy promotes the release of endorphins and other chemicals and hormones that relieve stress and anxiety. Chiropractic care can address structural abnormalities and dysfunction that may be causing pain or affecting your ability to sleep, eat, or exercise. By combining chiropractic care and massage, we can treat multiple symptoms or disorders at once and help you find lasting relief.
Looking for a Chiropractic Office that Offers Massage Therapy?
If you’re looking for a chiropractic office that offers massage therapy in Fort Wayne, IN, visit us at Allen County Chiropractic Wellness Center. Our care team includes 2 chiropractors, a nurse practitioner and 2 massage therapists. One of our chiropractors is also an acupuncturist and the other is a clinical nutritionist. We offer collaborative integrative wellness care to patients of all ages. By combining chiropractic care and massage therapy, we can address multi-symptom conditions and comorbid conditions, and accelerate healing, relieve pain, and improve function and overall wellness. Call us now to schedule an appointment.
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