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Understanding Endocrine Disrupting Compounds and Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy

Written By Allen County Chiropractic Wellness Center on October 2, 2024

mature woman and man meditating in a parkThroughout your life, you’re exposed to millions of different chemicals. Some are completely safe and natural, while others are harmful and destructive. Endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) are particularly harmful as they are not only highly prevalent in millions of commonly used products, but are also highly destructive to your body's natural hormone production.

At Allen County Chiropractic Wellness Center, Dr. Monique Levesque-Hartle is committed to helping her patients better understand their hormone levels and how they affect their health. She specializes in treating fertility issues, mood swings, weight problems, and other issues caused by hormone imbalances. Learn more about EDCs and how undergoing bio-identical hormone replacement therapy in Fort Wayne, IN, can help you overcome symptoms of a hormonal imbalance.

What Are EDCs?

EDCs are biological or man-made chemicals that interfere with your body’s natural hormone production. They can cause a wide range of health issues starting from an early age and continuing through adulthood. EDCs are present almost everywhere, and you can be exposed to them through eating, drinking, breathing in, or touching something containing an EDC. The most common sources of EDCs are flame retardant chemicals, plastic products, children’s toys, lead paint, and pesticides and herbicides.

How Do EDCs Affect Hormone Production?

EDCs can mimic hormones, tricking the body into thinking they are natural hormones. They can also block the release of hormones, increase or decrease the levels of hormones in the blood, and change how sensitive the body is to different hormones. This can cause a wide range of health problems, including:

  • Early puberty
  • Fertility issues
  • Low birth weight
  • Behavioral problems
  • Obesity
  • Diabetes
  • Weight gain
  • Certain types of cancers

What Are the Symptoms of an EDC or Hormone Imbalance?

Most people consider hormone imbalances to either be age-related or a symptom of an underlying medical condition. However, with increased exposure to EDCs from an early age, more and more young people are developing hormonal imbalances, hormone deficiencies, fertility issues, and other health problems. If you notice any of these symptoms of a hormone imbalance, please call our office to schedule hormone testing:

  • Dry skin, rashes, hives, allergies, and other skin issues like eczema and psoriasis
  • Sleep problems, including insomnia and sleep disruption
  • Trouble regulating temperature, including hot flashes, night sweats, and shivering
  • Gastrointestinal issues, bloating, and unexplained weight gain or weight loss
  • Anxiety, depression, panic attacks, and stress
  • Sexual dysfunction, including low libido, pain during sex, and fertility issues

Learn More About How Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy Can Help

At Allen County Chiropractic Wellness Center, Dr. Levesque-Hartle and our certified family nurse practitioner, Tasha Elliott, can run comprehensive hormone testing to determine if you have a hormone imbalance or deficiency. We are experts at identifying hormonal issues and helping our patients find lasting solutions that improve their health, mood, and quality of life. Call us now to schedule an appointment for hormone testing and determine if you are a good candidate for bioidentical hormone replacement therapy in Fort Wayne, IN.

Posted In: Health and Wellness bio-identical hormone replacement therapy