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Natural Chiropractic Care for Disc Pain

Written By Allen County Chiropractic Wellness Center on February 13, 2022

chiropractor explaining disc pain to a patient

Did you know that millions of Americans suffer from pinched or herniated discs? The truth is that our posture and lifestyles make it incredibly easy to develop spinal issues. Living with back pain is hard enough, which is why you should consider expert chiropractic care. Allen County Chiropractic Wellness Center in Fort Wayne specializes in treating disc pain, using a variety of techniques and physical therapies to treat your issues at the source.

What Is Disc Pain?

Disc pain originates anywhere along the spine. While it can have many causes, it is typically the result of a herniated or pinched disc. Herniated discs occur when part of the nucleus of the spinal disc pushes through a tear in the lining of your spine. When a herniated or pinched disc occurs, it can put intense pressure on the nerves in your spine. This is why so many patients report numbness, tingling or sharp sensations of pain. 

While disc pain can be a result of aging or disc degeneration, it can also be the result of your lifestyle. Seeing a chiropractor is a great first step to discovering why you are experiencing disc pain, as well as how you can treat it.

How We Treat Disc Pain

If you suffer from disc-related back pain, the good news is that you can do something about it. Chiropractic care has come a long way, and Allen County Chiropractic Wellness Center is excited to offer several treatments that can help you get back on your feet:

Chiropractic care aims to treat ailments in a way that is natural and non-invasive. Thousands of patients report that their disc pain lessens after just a few visits. We are proud to treat so many Fort Wayne patients in ways that are non-addictive.

Chiropractic Care in Fort Wayne

We understand how debilitating disc pain can be. Mild cases can be annoying, but severe cases can prevent you from doing the things you love. Instead of relying on addictive painkillers to treat your pain, see an expert and treat your issue at the source. When it comes to treating disc pain, choose Allen County Chiropractic Wellness Center in Fort Wayne. 

Contact us directly by calling (260) 432-7339 to schedule an appointment.

Posted In: Chiropractic Acupuncture Massage Nutritional Counseling Back Pain Treatment Disc Pain Treatment Ergonomics